There are tons of people making websites, how do you choose the right one for your business? Let’s face it, common conception is that anyone can put up a website.
Commercials on TV make it seem like you can log on to a service and have a site up in minutes. Not really. You must choose from cookie cutter templates that have restrictions on size and quantity of content. Do you have graphics sized correctly? If not, do you know how to do that? Text must fit the allowable area in the template. If you have more to say, you are out of luck. It is not that easy.
Kids are learning how to program a site in school. Does that mean that the neighbor’s teenager can design a site for you? If you were ever a kid yourself, you know it may not be much of a priority to them. There are so many reasons to put your project aside: dates, school work, computer games, sports and so on. Your site may never get built, or it might get thrown together at the last minute. Remember those school projects we all put off?
A good website takes planning. A lot of thought needs to be put into a site to make it successful. Many web designers can create beautiful sites with lots of fancy effects, music and auto playing videos. All of that is fine if you are not really interested in selling your product or service.
A good designer will take the time to learn about your business and what you would like the site to do for your company. Each business is unique. A successful website has to be tailored to your customers. Yes that sentence is correct; tailored to your customers, not you. You and your web designer need to determine what will motivate your customers to act on what is presented on the site.
Lets get together to discuss your needs. Call us for a FREE consultation.